Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Box, or not to Box?!

Parting with a hairstylist,
and searching for a new compatible, and capable hairstylist is dreaded!
HIGh induced stress inserted here...

No matter if you have outgrown your current stylist,
or this stylist is just no longer satisfying your hair fabulousity cravings
OR if you move and are forced to leave said hair magic do-er behind...
beginning a search for a new trusty is hair pulling stressful!!!

here i sit, extremely past due for a FULLfoil&cut...
3 months past due we will state.
{its not pretty ladies.}
Its no fun.

Anyways, being in this small{understatement} town,
do i search and read reviews, make an appointment and {fingers crossed} i don't come out grey, gross and ugly?!!!
Or...shall i tote myself down to trusty Wal-mart, get myself a perfect little boxed color kit, and do away with my blond locks, and go brunette?!
...then if i screw that up, rush to a salon and ask them to fix it!!!

No, i don't want to be brunette right now.
With the extra pounds that need to go, darker hair not only makes me feel frumpy,
it makes me feel sooo much more rounder...eww.
But chances of me matching a blond color, and it not turning out orange is nadda.

But, in this economical times {box vs. salon} is a no brainer.
and in need of simplicity {i.e, time, money, no need for a sitter...}
A box seems like thee option right at this time.

or just continue to look like a grease ball, as if i never shower and don't know how to work my blow dryer?! Ha!!

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