Here is something new from me.
I'm not usually one to post about recipes and reviews...
But i just rolled the end of my whole30 into the start of a paleo challenge at my gym.
Part of this gym challenge includes earning points for writing recipe reviews.
Well if I'm gonna write a review for their blog, why not share it with all of you as well?!
And I do know a lot of you would appreciate the review on a paleo-whole 30 approved recipe!
Yup, yup, yup!
I see you nodding your head, you wanna know!
So for our recent company Easter party I was in charge of a main
dish, and being on a whole 30 challenge, I refused to make something that I could
not eat, and no, I wasn’t going to serve steaks to everyone!
And so, the google
search started!
My search excitedly ended at this recipe, and my plan was in motion!
From the Civilized Caveman {awesomeness!}no really, his site is awesome!
- Crockpotpulled pork with Beasty BBQ sauce.
yes a BBQ sauce that is not full of
brown sugar!huge WIN in my book!
At the party, this was set up along with buns for sandwiches
for others to enjoy, but I had good feedback, and nobody {ok, just 5 people} knew that it was ‘special’!
I didn't need to add a label to it for all those soldiers and moms to be like, EEK! A healthy dish!
Besides this pulled pork that I made, the only other whole 30 safe item was
lettuce and tomatoes, and so that’s what I ate!
There was a huge amount made, and the leftovers
provided me with a weeks worth of easy peasy meals! I did pulled pork mixed
with my scrambled eggs, mixed with kale, mixed with veggies…I think I did it
all. And I didn’t mind cause I loved it!
I know there are easier recipes out there, but for
this event, this worked out great!
So if you are needing a new idea, something to serve a lot, or for many meals for yourself,
maybe this is what you looking for...
I say give it a go.
Or just try the BBQ sauce, add it on uh, whatever you wanna!
or try out the dry rub for pulled pork.
Either way, you cant go wrong!
I know I loved it!

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