Welcome to day 2!
oh, that's just me, not all y'all?!
Well today is Day 2 of the Whole30 challenge, and gym war!
I am feeling good...
but then again at day 2, if your struggling, you're probably not gonna last!
So that's that.
Had an awesome 'first' dinner last night, new recipe...
Cream of Mushroom pot roast, laid of Cauliflower, whole30 to the max effort!
This was a little gusty, as it was my first time using coconut milk!
It definitely had a different taste to it, but there was not one single complaint,
bit even from Aiden and Kaylee! WHAT WHAT!!
As this month goes on, I hope to try more and more recipes that please the entire family
Then we can work on changing the lifestyle...
and keeping the peace in the house!
This month our family calender is a little off the charts.
We are usually pretty dang busy, but we have a lot of added extras coming at us,
visitors, birthdays, weddings, parties, Halloween prepping, Halloween!
ending of football = beginning of wrestling > in the same week!
hitting the gym super hard to conquer the challenge!
and the most difficult part is a crazy busy work schedule for the husband.
and that is never fun as it does effect everyone in the family.
No rest for this clan.
down time is overrated. phhhshhhhhh.
October Lovin...
the cool breeze that IS the start of fall. the reason to wear my new boots. the colors of the leaves changing. my baby girl turning 8. fall crafts. the pumpkin patch. disney/nick halloween specials! the crisp air in the evening and early morning!
And with that, get on with yourself, and jump into the greatness of October!
Hurry, run out and grab yourself a pumpkin spiced latte, you know you wanna!
Ill be sipping on my water, fo sho!

who are the visitors??
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