Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday Funday!!

And this is the post where i brag about the amazing Tuesday i just had!!

I feel truly blessed to have the awesome friends that i have here in Georgia.
I was never expecting to build the type of friendships that you don't want to let go of,
the friendships that you cant get enough of,
the friendships that feel like your favorite pair of sweats on a cozy couch {no?!}
like your best fitted bra?!
and that is what i have here with my special ladies.
and sometimes a little too special!!

My ladies here except me as I am, open heatedly... its not all sunshine and roses over here!
most of the timeSometimes generally all the time I am nothing but a hot mess, and look a mad housewife wreck. not even gonna lie
And they still love me {uh,at least i am almost certain they still love me!}
its love, people, LOVE!

So yesterday, was tuesdayFUNDAY! der. did no one tell you??
What started out as a simple playgroup morning, potluck style at my house...
turned into...something FFAAAAbulOUUSSEEEE!!
{um, that was done in my best singing voice, did you read it that way? No?}
Try it again...
It turned into something FFAAAAbbbuuuuuuLLOOUUUSSSSSSE!!
whats the best part? it was all spontaneous.
{and needs to be repeated often as we discussed!!

The sun was shinning, i think it hit 72 degrees out!
We enjoyedthe KIDS enjoyed the trampoline,
We dusted off the patio table and chairs,
and busted out the margaritas. {{don't worry, the chips and salsa were already out!}}

Nothing but the best...
and who knows, Friday might need to be a repeat!
Though, the rain did roll in late last night just to kill the good sunshine vibes we all were having. Spring or Winter? Winter or Spring? Errrrgh.

The best group of ladies!
Who says moms cant have fun?

Happy Wednesday Y'all! <--i said y'all cause i live in Georgia, its catchy!

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